Cardiovascular Exercises and Wellness

Cardiovascular Exercise

In Pursuit of Wellness includes Cardiovascular Exercises. Whether your goal is to lose weight, relieve stress, or just be healthier, cardiovascular exercises are undoubtedly the most important kind of exercise. These exercises are called cardiovascular because they exercise the heart and lungs, boosting oxygen transportatian and consumption, which in turn increases heart and lung capacity it is also known as aerobic exercise as you are using several large groups of muscles together at the same time and is considered high Fat Burning exercises. This article will explore some of the many different kinds of cardiovascular exercises, both indoors and outdoors.

Indoor cardio

Ideally would spend more time outside, particularly when exercising, that unfortunately we cannot always get outside. Luckily, then, there are many indoor options for cardiovascular exercises, many different machines which stimulate activities you might find yourself doing outside way you have room to move around.

Elliptical Trainer: these are machines which simulate jogging or running by letting your knees bend and legs move back and forth without actually bringing your feet off the ground…There are many different kinds of elliptical trainer machines available to chose from…from small

…to quite big… ...or just a “Spin Bike“..

…not to for forget the little powerhouse for bringing out those ABs, the ABSlide (my personal old model)…

..or a more modern type, called the Ab Carver Pro Roller for Core Workouts…

Outdoor cardio  

Swimming: we’ll start with swimming because this is undoubtedly the most well-rounded and effective cardio exercise. This could also qualify as an indoor activity, though it is often much more invigorating to swim out on a lake or ocean. Swimming for just 20 minutes a day can burn up to 500 cal, and it’s exercise this all kinds of muscles that you don’t normally use. Many people like to swim in the morning and because it is a great way of getting some exercise in before your worn out from the day, and it really wakes you up and gets you focused on the day ahead.

Walking: just getting off the bus a few stops earlier can be a good way to incorporate a little exercise in your day. Walking is actually a deceptively good exercise, many people think you need to be running to be exercising but going for a brisk walk can burn significant calories. Therefore if you don’t have recourse to incorporate walking into your normal routine you should book off some time to go for a brisk walk through a park. Either way walking gives you that little bit of exercise that you need every day to maintain your cardiovascular health. Walking also provides a really valuable time to get away from the stresses of your day and have some time to yourself to think things over, or it could be a time to have a long conversation with a friend or a family member – whether they are walking with you, or you are talking to them on your cell phone.

Cycling: other obvious types of outdoor cardio involves running and cycling though the same principles basically apply to these as to the indoor versions. For cycling it is important to keep your back straight and not to overly strain your legs, you may want to confirm with a fitness or cycling expert that you have your bike adjusted properly
running is the classic cardio exercise, and doesn’t require much explanation except to note that running on hard surfaces such as concrete can be tough on the knees.

Running/jogging: is the classic cardio exercise (and my favorite), it doesn’t require much of explanation except to note that running on hard services such as concrete can be tough on the knees. Running on grass has the benefit of being softer. You could also try running on sand, this provides a very challenging run and it is relatively soft on the knees. One thing about running is that you should avoid high traffic areas. Breathing in car exhaust fumes as you are running should definitely be avoided if possible as this can defeat the purpose of a nice and healthy outdoor around.Having the right kind of good quality running shoe is also imperative to protect your feet and knees. There are many good brands of running shoes on the market. For many years I used Nike but found that the  ASICS brand with gel cusioning is a more comfortable fit for me and have been using those for the past 25 years…please click any of the shoe images to see a wide array to choose from, for both women and men…

Disclosures and Disclaimers:
1 – I am not a medical professional of any kind – all information shared stem from personal research on the web, books, magazines and personal experience, and should not be construed as medical or other similar professional advice of any kind. Please consult your medical doctor/applicable qualified medical professional regarding any wellness improvement actions, diets and exercise you may wish to pursue.
2 – This website, like most other websites, is an affiliate website and if you would purchase anything mentioned or advertised via this website the owner may receive a commission.


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